@tgraph52 I bet those are a fortune now. I can’t believe what a Walkman Pro (D6C) gets these days.
@Cecepax Dumpy’s little Johnson….
@FrankCannon YARP!
@BlueStateBabe I swing the other way- I like being left alone to not watch football and blast music. I mean, it’s supposed to be worth giving thanks, right? I’ll be over by the 3D printers being thankful for electricity and space. :)
@JV3MJD good on Bernie of course, but this will never happen.
@sfleetucker but that allow Vince Guaraldi?
@Hyporeality even money that’s the score.
@singlemaltgirl I have that same message in spirit in my bio, and alas…
@Hyporeality I don’t object going to jury duty, even though I’m usually asleep until noon. They however don’t want me because eventually they ask about juror nullification, and I’m a massive proponent.
@JohnFugelsang as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit.
@ToruOkada they don’t fact check. :) I lie like a rug to them.
@nursefrombirth just shit on the House floor. That whole place is a clogged toilet.
@AskTheDevil indeed. They too have overlords, and a penchant for doing the bare minimum, but to point it out is an invitation for rebuke and abuse. They have followers who are passionate in denial.
@mikeflstfi @BillyBones @northernbassist @stueytheround Rick has been landing some top tier interviews lately
@ToruOkada I do. I even pay them for no ads. It’s my equivalent of cable TV (which I’ve not had in a really long time.
@BeGrateful I used to- my scars eventually fade away.
@VelvetDuchess Vichy Joe.
I’ll probably say something you find offensive if I haven’t already. It’s okay- mute or block me.