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That way if you're feeling bombarded with something you don't want to see, but don't want to mute the person then filters work great.

Let's try an analogy.

You're on a boat. It's big enough for you and all of your friends, and it weathers the seas just fine with all of you aboard.

Now let's imagine that a villainous billionaire is in the process of sinking a cruise liner next to your boat in the middle of viscious storm, and you have to scramble to keep your boat afloat as many, many, many new people climb aboard.

That's @th3j35t3r today. Be kind. This stuff tends to get sorted very quickly.

COSONAUTS: While many of us would rather you didn't post screenshots from Twitter of vile hate speech, if you're going to do it, at least use a content warning.

So many of us are trying to escape that type of thing here. Please do us the courtesy of letting us choose whether we want to see it in our timelines or not.

Thank you. Carry on.

Anyone out there in red territory, be careful. There's a lot of violent talk going on in the obvious places. Probably mostly all talk, but you never know.

Going to be in the 90s today. I'm on the top floor, so it will be higher. The guy who was supposed to install a new AC hasn't done so yet. I've got a floor one with a makeshift vent, but can't get it installed.

So if I disappear forever, it's because I was cooked💩

Watching darling English osprey brood grow up in my Twitch channel.

FBI's 'Gamergate' file says prosecutors didn't charge men who sent death threats to female video game fans — even when suspects confessed

This new tax bill has something for everyone.

Billionaires: Tax breaks for corporate jets.

Millionaires: Tax cuts for pass-through companies.

Middle Class: The opportunity to pay for it.

Reading a recent Krugman’s column about the reminded me of something I’ve long wondered: how do people read legislation that modifies existing law? Do they use minions to merge in the changes and then read the resulting laws? Is there software that helps that along?

If anyone has an ugly meme that they’d like a better version of, please ask. It’s one of the things I do.

You know you're in the wrong line of work as a suicide bomber when you fail to kill anyone AND fail to suicide.

A concise summary, with useful illustrations, of .

How do we get some of the good-to-follow folks to join us here, like the rest of , the better journalists, etc? Will we have to get much larger before that happens? Can’t give up Twitter until they do.

Serious question: how do you guys cope with the unrelenting horrors of this presidency? I’ve cut way back on Twitter, largely because of trolls and authentic but deluded users. The one thing that helps the most is

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Research Elf

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.