
Hey Dream Team!

I did not forget our fantastic conversation the other day.

I've organized our thread notes into a mock-up that is BY NO MEANS SET IN STONE.

It just represents how bad-ass I think this idea is, and how much I hope we can build upon it going forward. (Sometimes having visual cues also help for further brainstorming.) So fling more ideas at it!

All welcome, of course! This is a decidely CoSo production.

@BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @corlin @ceorl @redenigma @NiveusLepus

@corlin @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @ceorl @redenigma @NiveusLepus

DEFINITELY. I knew font was going to be a whole conversation, as it should be - and that last link has a lot of terrific choices to pull from!

@AskTheDevil @corlin @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @ceorl @redenigma @NiveusLepus

Mayhaps the Devil will make an appearance in these pages, too? 👀

A column titled "Sympathy from the Devil", maybe, reflecting on all the silly humans struggling today for something better than total ruin?

@MLClark @corlin @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @ceorl @redenigma @NiveusLepus I kid, anyway. You haven't assigned homework, you've engaged in temptation!

I'm all about temptation. It's great! Either you resist and feel good about yourself, or give in and have fun!

@BosmangBeratna @AskTheDevil @MLClark @corlin @LaurelGreen @ceorl @redenigma @NiveusLepus
My father edited an in-house magazine. In the '60s he used to bring the Letraset catalogs home and I spent endless hours examining each typeface. I loved listening to his explanations of why he chose particular typefaces and point sizes.


That's gorgeous and inspiring. There is nothing like a mock-up to start to make an idea seem real.

I agree with the "All welcome" too, certainly all of CoSo, but no need to limit it to that even.

Let's be sure to welcome the willing and not box ourselves in, or others out, with any sort of founders-only mindset.

@BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @corlin @redenigma @NiveusLepus

@corlin @ceorl @MLClark @BosmangBeratna @redenigma @NiveusLepus just realized I used same words as Ceorl! I don’t think I copied them, but maybe I did 😂

@MLClark @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @corlin @ceorl @redenigma so this is cool. What’s the next step ? I’m kind confused. Do I need to write something ?


We're still brainstorming around a preliminary mock-up!

Next step will be blocking a fuller mock-up with a few different font types, and firming up a few section layouts.

Is there anything you'd like to see in such a zine? Anything in particular you'd like to share in the way of writing or other art?

You're of course welcome to be a reader without putting your paw in this, but your ideas and work are welcome here as well!

@BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @corlin @ceorl @redenigma

@MLClark @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @corlin @ceorl @redenigma

Oh I could probably come up with something. We'll have to brainstorm! Let me know what you're looking for, like a range. ^_^

@MLClark @NiveusLepus @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @ceorl @redenigma


I am thinking about format and printing. My proposal is to offset print this on 8 ½ x11 sheet. Folded in half to 8 ½ x 5 ½, and two "saddle stitched" staples. The number of pages to be determined.

Of course the other alternative is to print on 11 x 17 sheet folded and saddle stitched to 8 ½ x 11, a larger format.

The smaller format appeals to me, but I can go either way.

@MLClark @NiveusLepus @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @ceorl @redenigma


To push on this to go from brainstorm to layout and design, I hereby take on the responsibility of printing stapling, and mailing out the first issue of "abZurd".... as my gift.

You all design it. I will make it a real thing in the world.

(yes I will write some copy)

@corlin @NiveusLepus @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @ceorl @redenigma

Huzzah! What a generous offer. Not to me - Colombia's ground mail is a cartel scam and nothing arrives - but I look forward to seeing photos of the issue going out.

More font-fiddling and layout work later this week, then.

If folks have other hopepunky, wildcraft-y, alt-society, unplugged ideas they'd like thrown into the stew of sections / general ToC, let me know by Friday!

Team FTW!

@MLClark I don’t have the cool words, but in plant woo, something about healing, plants as medicine? @corlin @NiveusLepus @BosmangBeratna @ceorl @redenigma

@MLClark @corlin @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @ceorl @redenigma

So Coso buddies, let me know what you’d like to see in an article from me. You know what I post and what I write. This is for Coso so let me hear from you !


It's still early brainstorming time, so any ideas are welcome now.

Just off the top of my head, I don't see why we couldn't have some fiction, especially if its message reinforces whatever the 'zine's personality becomes.

Your commitment to selfless service is inspiring. Relevant to surviving and repairing a broken civilization.

Your discipline around work and fitness is something many struggle with.

And, and, and :)

@MLClark @corlin @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @redenigma

@NiveusLepus @MLClark @corlin @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @redenigma

Should the 'zine team fire up a CoSo group to help keep all these threads together?

@ceorl @NiveusLepus @corlin @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @redenigma

Okay, Team, I've crafted 4 mock-ups on Letraset fonts.

A few considerations to keep in mind:

First, I was limited to fonts that allowed for upper and lowercase, and which have "bold" and "italics" options (which you can see on pg3).

Second, a narrow font might work better for a smaller pub (these're mocked at 8.5 x 5.5), while a finer font might simply need a lighter paper colour to shine.

Pick & choose as you please!

@redenigma @MLClark @ceorl @NiveusLepus @corlin @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen


I love the first two--and would like to see the combo of Hobo and Bauer Bodoni

@tyghebright @redenigma @ceorl @NiveusLepus @corlin @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen

That's two very specific votes for Bauer Bodoni and Hobo, so I'll run the fuller template on both Kabel and Hobo with BB, so we can revisit that toss-up in a few days. Thanks, Tyghe!

@MLClark @ceorl @NiveusLepus @corlin @LaurelGreen @redenigma

My vote is #1. Love these so flippin' much and can't wait to get started. Should we arrange a sometime soon?

@BosmangBeratna @MLClark @ceorl @NiveusLepus @corlin @LaurelGreen @redenigma

I'm not participating, but may I please have an opinion about the font? Because I can't see a font without having an opinion about it. 😂 Either 1 or 4, but I'm leaning toward 1.

@MLClark @NiveusLepus @corlin @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @redenigma

You'd be surprised how old I was before I even realized fonts were a thing. So my opinions don't carry much weight. As long as I can read it so easily that I can forget there is a font, I'm happy.

That said, I favor #4 because I love Bauhaus or Art Noveau styles. The round bits are circular, the straight bits straight.

And Courier looks like a proper typewriter font, which does not distract me from the words. ;)

@CLManussier @ceorl @BosmangBeratna @NiveusLepus @corlin @LaurelGreen @redenigma

Just a head's up that I will have an open call for the whole of CoSo on Friday.

It might not all be for Issue #1! Part of the fun of a is that we can create a pleasing hodge-podge of content that changes from issue to issue around a core guiding principle.

But all are welcome to pitch!

@MLClark @CLManussier @ceorl @BosmangBeratna @NiveusLepus @corlin @LaurelGreen i don't have camera, can i join a cosocall? (not sure the mic on my headphones works either. i had to use an older laptop when i had to do zoom planning board meetings)


I'm pretty sure that you'll be able to join us and use the chat function to communicate!

@CLManussier @ceorl @BosmangBeratna @NiveusLepus @corlin @LaurelGreen

@ceorl comic sans is one of the easiest to parse typefaces for autistics. not sure about other non-neurotypicals, but i think it's also true for dyslexics.


Oh cool. I find it easily readable, so I have no problem with it. Even though when I do examine it closely I can get a sense of how it is not the most polished font out there.

I appreciate our pre-cog reading mode here too. While it upsets some font fanciers, it is effective at getting thoughts from words into my brain with little friction ;)

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