Hey Dream Team!

I did not forget our fantastic conversation the other day.

I've organized our thread notes into a mock-up that is BY NO MEANS SET IN STONE.

It just represents how bad-ass I think this idea is, and how much I hope we can build upon it going forward. (Sometimes having visual cues also help for further brainstorming.) So fling more ideas at it!

All welcome, of course! This is a decidely CoSo production.

@BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @corlin @ceorl @redenigma @NiveusLepus

@AskTheDevil @corlin @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @ceorl @redenigma @NiveusLepus

Mayhaps the Devil will make an appearance in these pages, too? 👀

A column titled "Sympathy from the Devil", maybe, reflecting on all the silly humans struggling today for something better than total ruin?

@MLClark @corlin @BosmangBeratna @LaurelGreen @ceorl @redenigma @NiveusLepus I kid, anyway. You haven't assigned homework, you've engaged in temptation!

I'm all about temptation. It's great! Either you resist and feel good about yourself, or give in and have fun!

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