While I'm down this random thought rabbit hole, bemoaning "military spending" is another of those things that tax-dodgers and greedy billionaires love to hear.
Every dime the government spends goes directly into the American economy in one way or another, and multiplies there. Chances are excellent that *your job* wouldn't exist if not for government spending—including the spending that you disagree with.
Is it efficient? Nope. Is it necessary? Yup. #RandomThoughts
By the miracle of ice and multiple kinds of allergy meds my jaw feels better. (there might also have been some prayer and bargaining with God going on)
I can at least move my jaw without hurting, so we have progress. Yay!
I'm currently booking editing clients for the second half of the year. If you need an editor between August and November, let me know!
#LianaEdits #AmEditing #AmWriting #CoSoWriters #CoSoPublishing
Quick Editing Tip:
Read the chapter out loud and see where you stumble.
Reading it aloud slows you down and makes you see the words on the page. It's a great, cheap way to find missing words and bad phrases.
I told me family there is a new family rule: No Cave Diving In Icebergs
Two of my kids have reported that they don't need this rule.
Two are mad they didn't think of it before I made the rule.
My youngest sister sent me a video of her cackling and told me I can't make the rules.
This is why the universe nerfed my family.
Pre-order ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A CRYPTID! -Live From Seoul - Ehlers-Danlos Spoonie - Rroma - Rep'd by Cherry Weiner Literary - She/Her/Your Worship