At some point I want to sit down and dissect the Expat Accent English-speakers get. It's not quite the Airport Accent of the well-traveled (named because you pronounce words the way you hear them the most in different regions rather than using the same regional accent), and it's fascinating.


The Expat Accent leans more towards a very bookish English with well-enunciated speech patterns because the people you're speaking to probably know some English, but it's Book English, with a limited accent and minimal slang. So Expat English comes across as Formal English to native speakers.

@LianaBrooks that’s no fun. I adopted strange idiomatic expressions in my travels. For example from Scotland I learned “He could talk the back legs off a donkey”. They really have a gift.

@MookyTroubadour Yes! I've picked up weird phrases and pronunciations from so many places.

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