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It's time for

I'll start with a theme for today and tag someone to do tomorrow with a theme and they have to tag someone for the next day and tell them what the theme is. Add to the daily theme as much as you want.

Day 1: Christmas memes

For day two, I pick @Minholkin and your theme is 'Cookie Recipes'

Pup is positively EXHAUSTED after doing the hard work of watching me do the hard work.

Dinner tonight: Disco fries with turkey and mushroom gravy, cheddar cheese, and mozzarella pearls.

All I have to do is yell 'Kitty Tittie' and the Creepster come running. 😂 😂 😂 🐱 🥛

Despite the cold & snowy weather, Theo hopes you’re having a tremendous filled with plenty of interesting things to look at, warm places to rest, & buddies with whom to enjoy it all. 😺

And to pay a for talking news on the weekend, here is a picture I took the other day of his royal highness, Sir Louis.

Somebody made me make Swedish apple pie.

I was forced, I tell you.


For dessert tonight: an incomprehensibly rich chocolate cream pie that my spouse baked.

Ok. I need some volunteers who can follow instructions and don't ask questions.

Dress in all black and meet me here:

Bring your own ladle.

For those bakers who are in stock-up mode: Penzey’s is having a sale on Mexican vanilla. And some other spices, too, but MEXICAN VANILLA!

The crushing weight of hardships have pinned him down. Alas, he is worn weary from the world.

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Kurt Emperor Potato🐲

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