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Grabbed some to go food with kiddo. While waiting in line....

Kiddo: you know the thing with some Asian counties....

Me: ::oh jeez, there's an Asian lady in front of us, what's he going to say:: 😱

Kiddo: wearing masks was kind of normal before, so it's not as big a deal there.

Me: good night kiddo, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

Kiddo: 🙄🙄 uhhg, I'm too old for that. I'm 12!!!!

Kiddo is writing and doing a little 2 minute play in class as a group project and I have his account linked on my phone so I get updates on shared Google docs. I'm at work having my phone keep pinging.
I'm busting up 😂 and so want to see the play performed. My kiddo will be doing the beatboxing during

SHAWTY: WOOOOOOOO, I challenge you to a (says excitedly) RAP BATTLE EEEE

I caught the new employee playing Minecraft. Looks like in gonna have to write him up 🙄

Kiddos getting teeth pulled this morning. He's reading through the post op instructions and was disappointed he's not allowed to drive for 24 hours. 😂😂

One of my favorite dad like past times is mis pronouncing pokemon names.

Peek -achoo
Charm -ander

Kiddo broke a pinky promise he wasn't going to ambush me with nerf.

I had to chase him down and stick an ice cube down his pants.

Thems the rules.

Kiddo is spoiled living like this and I don't think he quite realizes it just yet. 🤷‍♀️ He will know some day.

I need to add some cross ropes to stabilize it some, but generally done. Even has old patio chairs. Kiddos happy.
My shoulders are bruised from carrying the wood there, but 🤷‍♀️

Kiddo wanted a fort and we had left over wood since we replaced the fence.

Me: I see you have chats in google docs going with friends.
Kiddo: 😮 how?
Me: you used my phone once, now notices pop.up.
Kiddo: ...
Me: fair bit of swearing I saw.
Kiddo: technically we don't use the full word.
Me: still counts, but why don't you.
Kiddo: they have filters that catch that.
Me: so you leave out a letter to get around them?
Kiddo: yep.
Me: well let's pull back on that language.
Kiddo: 🙄 okkkkaaayy

At dinner asked kiddo if he had a valentine for tomorrow.

Kiddo: no, but I'm ok with that.

Wife: that's a good attitude, it's perfectly fine not having a valentine.

Me: normally I'd not worry, but you were staring right at me when you said that 😮

Wife: 🙄 I'll be your valentine. 🙄

Me: ::fist pump:: yes!!! ::To kiddo:: I'm gonna get a smooch tomorrow. 😁

Kiddo: 🤦🏻‍♀️ please stop.

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Kurt Emperor Potato🐲

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.