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There's only so much time
You can hold in your hands
Before it slips through your fingers

She's as cold as stone
In a bare and empty hearth
Nothing left to burn

The smell of damp ashes sits
Heavy on your thoughts of her.

@jaunty went on an adventure grand
To the faraway place, Iceland
And watch the flow, LAVA!
While here with our java
And live our life so bland.

The shadows have grown longer across my soul.
The light fades.
And I still haven't decided
If I'm content with the life
Laid out behind me
Because I always feel
Like I have a hundred more
Lifetimes left to live
Inside me.

I writt the world and rent it twixt
All thus imaginary, all thus fix'd
To pages papering my soul
Leaving me both empty, and full.

The trees speak over seasons
Mountains talk through millenia
And the world speaks of eons

Just as

Children fill the days and weeks
Their parents refer to the years
And elders talk of decades

Her heart beat a staccato
Pattern on my soul
Of all the days left
Behind us

The days deftly left
The weeks wandered away
The months went bereft
The years have gone astray

Yet they all sit there
Oft' I look behind me
Laid out raw and bare
My time that had to be

Deep in the forest fen
Where the stream trickles
Through time long gone
They walk the path
And lift the sky up
Hold the earth down
So we can harvest
Our days

The garden angels
Hold in their hands
The hopes of tomorrow
When they hold us close
And show us how
To plant the kindness
So we can harvest
Our days

The moon is bright
And sings to me tonight
Lyrics in cold pale light
To ease my heart's plight
Set my worries to right
My fears out of sight
And all my hopes alight

Good night.
Good night.

I would dance in the moonlight
Beneath a sea of stars
While crickets chirp
And night birds call

Good night CoSo

I cannot stop the days
From piling up
And stacking on me
But instead
Let them melt and flow
Around me.

There are days
When even Fate needs someone to hold her hand and guide her.
When Dream needs to be told impossible stories.
When Love needs a hug.

Clink clink,

A Toast

To all the ones that are
And the ones that are no more
To all the ones that might be
And the ones that will

You are my friends,
Who I always will adore.

I drew a bird & it flew off the paper to flit through the trees.
I drew a mouse & it scurried away to hide beneath the cabinet.
I drew a flower & watched it follow the sun, turning with the day.
I drew a breath & blew out the light, until tomorrow, good night.

The moon hid her silver glow
Down below
Deep in the Coolridge mine

The rings her pale treasure wrought
Were much sought
For the soft, velvet shine.

Good night CoSo.

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Kurt Emperor Potato🐲

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