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I try not to post too many politics, but this was just too funny to not meme it.
Guiliani's courtroom sketch where he yelled about being broke.

Shiitake bacon garlic soup with noodles. I added a good spoonful of onion chili crunch for heat too. Good for a cool damp fall day

First breakfast was biscotti and coffee. Second breakfast was chicken nuggies. Brunch is andoulli sausage sandwich on a toasted roll

He has a couch with pillows he can lay on, but he spends most of the days on old plans I have on the floor. I want to toss them in the recycling, but he seems to like them so much 🤷‍♂️

I need to highlight on a plan where I have information for a reviewer and I'm worried this looks too phallic. Am I ok, or change it up?

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Kurt Emperor Potato🐲

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