Excuse me just a mo... I need to grab some hooch to lower my blood pressure after reading new news about this goddamned administration.

@wenx I’m trying to choose btw something sweet or some straight scotch myself

@Evvie Since it’s a work night, I decided to go with a really good local pear wine, & Parmesan Goldfish crackers. But the scotch is definitely appealing 😉

@wenx I may go for the sweet stuff just bc I won’t be tempted to drink myself blurry. I’m kind of outraged atm at the orange overlord. I really really really really really wish the military would rebel and send some snipers to take his ass out or something. I know it won’t happen like that but a girl can dream right?

@Evvie @wenx Jager and spicy potatoes chips for me 🤤😁 they clearly do NOT go together, but after the dragons milk, I don't really care.

@Kurtroedeger @wenx 🤣😂🤣 I just downloaded a recipe for dragons milk so I may be cooking some up soon!

@Evvie @wenx English ale, not as hoppy. I thought you found one for a mixed drink. These are the two I know. 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

@Evvie @wenx

Paging @PurpleDragon @F1r3_Dragon @Irishroze and any other cosonaut

Making up a cocktail called Dragons Milk. Suggestions?

I think it should have something smokey in it.

@Kurtroedeger @wenx @PurpleDragon @F1r3_Dragon @Irishroze I was just thinking of something like that. So do we add a bit of liquid smoke or would the fireball have that?

Fireball isn't smokey, but float a little laguvalin on top and you'd get that peaty smoke.

@wenx @PurpleDragon @F1r3_Dragon @Irishroze

@Evvie @MountainMan @Kurtroedeger @wenx @F1r3_Dragon @Irishroze

all of the above alcohols sound wonderful, mix them all together and send them quickly, been a week and a half.

@MountainMan @Evvie @Kurtroedeger @wenx @F1r3_Dragon @Irishroze

I think I'd be fine being passed out for about a week. Be nicer if I was on a beach somewhere...

@MountainMan thanks you're so sweet, when I travel during retirement I definitely have to stop at your place so we can get plastered.
@Evvie @Kurtroedeger @wenx @F1r3_Dragon @Irishroze

@Kurtroedeger you would prob be the only person to understand the shit show at work, have you ever had to work with railroads... pain in my ass

@MountainMan @Evvie @wenx @F1r3_Dragon @Irishroze

Fuuuuuuucckkk yeah. SEPTA near here gives you the added benefit of also being a government org. But Norfolk southern aren't much better.

@MountainMan @Evvie @wenx @F1r3_Dragon @Irishroze

@Kurtroedeger so add stupid civil engineers, a lawyer and fucking microstation, which I know nothing about, into the mix... got 11 hours OT last week tho

@PurpleDragon ewww microstation 🤮
Lawyers are always a bit of a pain. You're rumbling a tough storm there with all that.
SEPTA makes you go through a class before you're allowed to survey on their R/W. And then they still give you a flagger and escort/spotter.

@Kurtroedeger these people were a total pain, the surveyor's out there and they keep changing the scope, while he's fucking working. AND they won't stop the trains so he's trying to get top of rail in between trains

@PurpleDragon @MountainMan @Evvie @Kurtroedeger @wenx @F1r3_Dragon @Irishroze You can stay with me I’ll book a place on the beach ten minutes from me. Anna Maria Island.

@PurpleDragon @MountainMan @VelvetDuchess @Evvie @wenx @F1r3_Dragon @Irishroze would a tutu qualify. I'm in search of one for a 72" ish waist to add to my inflatable cow costume.

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@MountainMan @Kurtroedeger @wenx @PurpleDragon @F1r3_Dragon @Irishroze Loch Du? Highland I believe but people kept trying to steal the secret fam recipe as I understand it so they shit down ops in the 90s. I’m still sad about it

@MountainMan @Kurtroedeger @wenx @PurpleDragon @F1r3_Dragon @Irishroze I think - actually I know (read an article anyway) that with the latest update there are many issues including Siri jacking up autocorrect worse. I’m surprise what I’m posting doesn’t come out of straight babble half the time lol

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