Seeing some signs of spring already. I’m in much need of consistent sunshine 🙂

@thewebrecluse This feels like an important film. Like you said, something you don’t see everyday. Gonna have to figure out how to stream this after its released. Thanks for sharing!

@YogaSteve i’m about halfway through. Loving the show so far, and I haven’t read the books, so not sure what to expect other than it’ll be unexpected

Gochujang burger with spicy slaw for dinner (and yes, fries … I was uncreative with the side).

Recipe courtesy of NYT Cooking

@Pat_Walrond Thanks! Yep, it’s been a while since i’ve looked through it. New, useful features keep getting added everytime I step away for a while

Just discovered not only can you now pin a column for favorites (tip from @LauraWalkerKC ), but you can now pin a column for your notifications. Nice

Whew. Wind picking up here in .Great day to start “rate limiting” posts on a site where people check NWS

@Pam60 Exactly! We need the long-term efforts like the mayor and others are trying to implement, and we need short-term solutions (done in a way to not exacerbate inequities) to help bridge the gap until the long-term efforts start reducing the need for those short-term band-aids. Like in medical care … give patient meds to help reduce BP while also helping to change lifestyle (diet/exercise, etc) until the pt no longer needs the BP meds

@ChippySuave Unfortunately, it’s easier to destroy and cause chaos rather than build up and maintain stability 😕

@Pam60 The team is giving me heartburn already, and I love it!

@FleurdeNoise Happy to see more StL content on here. Good luck to the team today!

@th3j35t3r This is great for those not ready for multi-columns. One slight issue, and may just be my device … when viewing in browser on ipad mini, the right-side of single the column is cut off. Otherwise, love this option (though I also love the advanced mode, also)

@ChippySuave I had a “disagreement” w/ an old high school classmate as she was starting a new business that dealt with NFTs & had raised a crazy amount of money for the startup. I asked her to explain the worth of NFTs other than folks with too much money just buying latest thing that was physically nothing. She compared it to art because she said buying art was silly but fun. I’m like, “But you physically have the art!” I can understand buying things for, say, gameplay, but a straight NFT? 🤷🏻‍♂️

@CherNohio @th3j35t3r I just tried to change my name on twitter, and because I already have my CoSo landing page in my bio, it won’t let me update. Says I have potential malware link in my description 😏

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Jason G

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.