
Just discovered not only can you now pin a column for favorites (tip from @LauraWalkerKC ), but you can now pin a column for your notifications. Nice

@J4BB3RW0CK @LauraWalkerKC
Hey, sounds like you need to get hold of the userguide and check /#cosotips for more useful info

@Pat_Walrond Thanks! Yep, it’s been a while since i’ve looked through it. New, useful features keep getting added everytime I step away for a while

@J4BB3RW0CK @LauraWalkerKC You can also pin particular searches, which I find really handy. Like, in my case, I have an interest in people's home recorded music, so I have a pinned column for the terms and

@66ALW99 @J4BB3RW0CK Hashtags works better, I think. I have a column for for news articles
I think you can also start a group for that interest, but you need to have a Pro account to do that. It's pretty inexpensive - $4.99/month. Like one latte or one burger.

@66ALW99 @J4BB3RW0CK I just realized you were explaining about that - Kicking self for reading too hastily

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