Seeing some signs of spring already. I’m in much need of consistent sunshine 🙂

Gochujang burger with spicy slaw for dinner (and yes, fries … I was uncreative with the side).

Recipe courtesy of NYT Cooking

Just discovered not only can you now pin a column for favorites (tip from @LauraWalkerKC ), but you can now pin a column for your notifications. Nice

Whew. Wind picking up here in .Great day to start “rate limiting” posts on a site where people check NWS

Good morning, CoSo world! Gonna be chilly today in , but gonna stroll down the nearly 1-mile stretch of Cherokee Street for today’s annual Print Bazaar and Cookie Stroll (separate events held on the same day). Not sure if we’re gonna makes tonight’s Krampusnacht, but would be interesting to see all the costumes. Love our part of the city

And actually, Do the Right Thing should’ve made this list for me as it had an impact on me, started opening my eyes as a teenager

The Muppet Movie
Princess Bride
The Neverending Story
12 Monkees
Big Fish
It’s a Wonderful Life

Good morning. Feels like an extra day 🙂

As our daughters are now adults (both in college, but the oldest fully moving out this weekend) and we’re transitioning to be empty nesters, Thanksgiving hits a bit different this year. Not super sad or anything — we had a simple dinner with our daughters and one boyfriend today — just different. Soon they’ll totally have their own lives not living with us, and that’s ok. It’s just weird to think that in just a few years, we won’t see them on a daily/weekly basis

Haven’t been on in a while. Using the new app and looks way cooler that the mastodon app i was using. Now to find my bearings.

Good morning, CoSo. Happy to see it back up and running. Now time for some coffee

RT from my bird account: Iran is complicated. Israel/Palestine is complicated. It's the most complicated part of the world, IMO. There is no black or white or really even grey, only a crucible of nuance with lots of history of conflict and struggle and humanity.

Listening to the Shins this morning as I work in the sunroom

@J4BB3RW0CK Dang, down $20. Maybe I’ll go with a Jag instead

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Jason G

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.