This gave me a chuckle today:
Looks like I'm going to learn something about how well my house deals with the heat, in the next few days.
So far it hasn't been awful; the place is mostly lath-and-plaster & most of the windows have been updated to insulative vinyl. The outside of the house is also white, so it reflects heat & light.
@CoyoteConscious Thanks! I figure most bees & wasps ppl encounter are more likely than not to be female, so it just makes sense to me.
Well, first Independence Day in my own house that I bought with my own money (well the bank's money, really, but for some reason they thought I was a responsible enough adult that I could use theirs). I've never lived in a place where so many people in a residential neighborhood were setting off fireworks.
@Tattoomonkey29 Ugh I know they're beneficial insects but yeah, having them right close to your door isn't ideal. I guess the good news is that the paper wasps don't tend to return to the same nest year after years, so maybe they won't be back?
Just did a bit of yard work outside after work. Trimming some blackberries in the driveway & some little 6-legged asshole STUNG me.
I wasn't anywhere near an obvious hive or nest, didn't even see the little bugger - she literally flew up & stabbed me in the back. Twice.
So I'm guessing she's was a yellowjacket or similar, something that bites rather than stings.
@RandallTT These are beautiful! The lower quality makes them look like they were taken in the back half of the 19th century instead of early in the 21st. They remind me a bit of Cartier-Bresson's early 20th century work.
Tree of Heaven is considered a noxious weed in every state & US region I've looked at so far. Here in WA it's a Class C noxious weed, which means it's considered highly invasive plus it has an impact on agriculture throughout the state.
Doom-ridden atheist feminazgul. Social justice assassin. She/her, they/them.