Like, how many products have, say, serving markings on the outside of the jar? Or the cap holds a single serving of whatever the product is? Etc. etc.etc.

Yesterday I learned that whoever designed the bottle for my favorite creamer designed the cap to hold a single serving of said creamer. I.e., a serving is 1 Tbsp, and the cap holds 1 Tbsp.

Now I'm wondering how many other products out there have done something similar.

Do you suppose there are any people on the planet who consistently get a good night's sleep, for real? Like maybe they have shorter bouts of insomnia or trouble sleeping, but most of the time they actually sleep really, really well?

Anyway. I have a face to wash & some journaling to do. Thank you so much to anyone who has listened & felt similar. I feel you, as you feel me. <3

& whoever my next dog is, they won't have to compete with the dogs before them in the least.

Every dog is their own spirit. I'll tell them stories of old dogs long gone, & we'll write new stories of our own.

I'm going to tell them about Peanut, who didn't get his name from me, but it fit anyway. How sweet he was, & how he passed over the Rainbow Bridge in peace & without pain, after 16 wonderful years.

I'm going to tell them about Ophelia, the Late Great Wonder Wiener. I'll tell them about how puissant & spirited she was, how she lasted for 17 years & met Death with a ferocious peace.

I'm going to get another dog someday. Maybe sooner, maybe later.

I'm going to tell them all the stories of the dogs that came before them.

Heh sort of funny I only ever come here when shit is going South in my life. When it's crazy & wild & I need to escape.

It really sucks ass to have to put yourself or a family member on a psych hold.

& it also might be the best thing that ever happened to them (or yourself).

She's on a psych hold now. Docs working hard to understand what's going on & give her some relief.

I'll probably go visit her tomorrow. With some flowers.

She got kicked out for violent behavior just a few days ago. I had to badger my dad into committing her for geriatric psych care, but he did it, bless him.

I think it's been a while.

Mom has Parkinson's dementia. We moved her into memory care last September.

Yeah. It's a damn ruff day today. FML.

I haven't been on here in a while. Life, y'know?

I actually believe that dogs are one of the things that made (and make) us fully human.

We domesticated dogs thousands of years before we even figured out farming n'shit. There's something so incredibly primal about that.

My dogs were bone-deep companions. I miss my boi so much. & sometimes my little girl dog too - she passed years ago & her loss is softer.

One of the best & most amazing things human beings ever did was domestication of the dog. That was such a gift.

Why is it that pets hook into us so?

Dogs especially. I never had cats - nothing against them, our dad was allergic so we just never had any. We had dogs.

There's an ocean running down my face today.

I miss my boi so. Fucking. Much.

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