@Sleep_Is_For_Chumps OMG neither am I. You're not alone!
@softwaremerc Yeah a great aunt got shingles & was suicidal from the pain. It's no joke.
@JustRed Yeah totally kicked my ass this time around. The first dose wasn't as bad.
But then I also had a C-19 bivalent booster along with the shingles. 0/10, do not recommend both at once!
Shingles is a nightmare. A handful of folks in my family have had it and it was like torture. Two of them were elderly & believe the pain contributed to their deaths - not because shingles itself actually kills anyone, but because they were just in so much pain & so miserable they didn't want to live anymore.
So if anybody's thinking of getting the shingles shot & wondering what it's like, it's a bit rougher than other shots: it hurts more getting it, the spot aches for a while, & the side effects can lay people out for a few days.
Get it anyway. Seriously - get it anyway. It's nothing at all compared to actual shingles.
Several years old by now, interesting nonetheless: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/
This feels like a Norman Rockwell painting to me. Untouched photo straight from my phone.
@Former5SportOfficial Hah yeah like if there were some machine one could put it in or something and... yeah actually I'd also love for someone else to do all the folding & stuff like that. Like a washing machine that could find the laundry & pick it up & do it all, completely automated...
@VelvetDuchess Absolutely.
@misterfive LOL yeah I've been saying it for about a week as well
Doom-ridden atheist feminazgul. Social justice assassin. She/her, they/them.