This is the content I am all about!!!

Need more good doggos speed running video games.

I just found out there is an any % sex category in Baldur's Gate 3 Speedrunning and I can't stop giggling.

I just watched a 45 minute video about dudes speed running Ninja Gaiden 2. Only Summoning Salt can make something so mundane so interesting.

My kids are watching Super Mario World from 1991 and there is this abomination:

Vanilla Ice Koopa.

They don't understand why I keep laughing.

I don't ever actually want to read this article.

I want to live the rest of my life only knowing about the headline and giggling.

I absolutely adore Jahara Jayde. It certainly doesn't hurt that she's easy on the eyes, but my god look at the care and effort she's put into these outfits and her craft! Top notch work.

Top left - Aeris Gainsborough from Final Fantasy 7 (FF7)
Top right - Yuffie Kisiragi from FF7
Bot left - Yuna from Final Fantasy x
Bot right - A gender swapped Barrett Wallace from FF7

If this sub thing is really an elaborate X-Com Terrors of the Deep reveal I swear to God....

Just keep this comic in your mind as all your friends who play video games geek out over the new Zelda game.

I finally finished Xenoblade Chronicles 3 today and I can't come down off this afterglow.

I can't remember a time easily the last 10 years where I have finished a game and just lay in bed letting it all wash over me hours later.

If you are enjoyer of console RPGs and you haven't given it a shot, do so. I'm just gonna go back to sitting here and smiling and/or trying to not be wrecked emotionally.

Also Eunie is a treasure.

I'm not saying you're wrong if you don't vote for Xenoblade Chronicles 3 for GOTY.

But what other game nominee has videos like this?

It's Tactics Ogre Reborn release dayyyyy!!!!!!!

Those of you who recognize my avatar and/or my handle know that I have been about that LUCT life for years.

This is a holiday within a holiday for me. If you need me, look for the middle aged nerd playing switch in a coffee shop all day.


I love Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and Eunie is the absolute best. I love her and I love that the game makes her such a well rounded character and gives her the absolute best lines.

If you enjoy console RPGs and you don't give XBC3 a chance, you're cheating yourself out of an enjoyable experience.

For my fellow Xenoblade Chronicles fans out there, this has got me laughing my tail off this morning.

Minor non contextual spoilers for end of chapter 2 and on.

Why is Lil Nas X trying to become a final fantasy villain.

I swear if his next song has a choir chanting latin, I'm gonna hire a bunch of plucky 15 year old kids to go kill him before he tries to become a God and kill us all with some ridiculous plan.

I've played this video game before, this is the pose the boss takes before he casts some super broken spell that leaves you with 2 hp.πŸ˜‚

How does a secret like Super Punch Out having a 2 player mode remain a secret for 28 effin years???????

Hey , anyone out there playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (XBC3)?

If so what's your early opinions, thoughts, concerns.

When you are having an absolute amazing run in a rogue like game, and you realize the next boss/floor/fight is going to "fix" all that.

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