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Wish this was mine but being punk means it belongs to no one person.

Be kind as...heck, mmmkay?

My kids are watching Super Mario World from 1991 and there is this abomination:

Vanilla Ice Koopa.

They don't understand why I keep laughing.

I don't ever actually want to read this article.

I want to live the rest of my life only knowing about the headline and giggling.

Recognize posts like these for what they are, playbooks to justify abuse and manipulative behavior, and push back accordingly.

Sure it looks absolutely absurd, but to the target audience it gives those insecure people a "legitimate reason to be angry."

Don't just dunk on these people, call them out.

Hilarious but slightly risque anti weed ad Show more

I absolutely adore Jahara Jayde. It certainly doesn't hurt that she's easy on the eyes, but my god look at the care and effort she's put into these outfits and her craft! Top notch work.

Top left - Aeris Gainsborough from Final Fantasy 7 (FF7)
Top right - Yuffie Kisiragi from FF7
Bot left - Yuna from Final Fantasy x
Bot right - A gender swapped Barrett Wallace from FF7

They have a point but also... We all know how this turned out.

I appreciate how Angry Staff Officer on twitter contextualizes Gettysburg & made me appreciate the history even more.

It's one thing to have historians tell you how bad of an idea Pickets Charge on July 3rd, 1863 was. It's another to look at these 3 pictures and piece together how absolutely insane this charge was.

Imagine trying to cross that open field in the 3rd picture while being shot at from all the cannons in the 2nd.

I am inspired by @DallasBarnett and his hash tag. Going to treat it like phases challenge, but instead with pictures as a way to introduce yourself to CoSoNauts new and old.

So here we go! Post up to 4 pictures/memes/gifs that show what you enjoy.

So also, if your primary revenue is ad revenue, and after 20 minutes I can't even see ads....


So if/when Putin is no longer in charge, does that mean we are finally gonna find out what the hell was in that "soccer ball"?

Happy father's day out there to all my fellow dads - and also all the moms out there who are pulling double duty.

I gotta work on my daughter's percetpion of how tall i am but that's a fight for another day. 😍😍

Aaand we're all done. Everyone else gets to start eating but I get to finish the last 3 batches. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

But at least everyone else is eating and no one else is gonna bother me while I drink beer and grill. Thanks for hanging along with

I don't get to plate it this year but I think this is good enough for the day. πŸ˜…

Enjoy your loved ones, reach out to your battle buddies, other friends you haven't talked to in a while and take care.

Cheers πŸ₯‚

And batch one is away! I'll spare you pics of the other batches we'll just get this one all the way through to the dinner table.

Just because no photos doesn't mean no work. Finally ready for skewering. Pictures will come much more readily since prep work is done, grill is clean, and kids are fed lunch!


I mean it started yesterday. But I got a late start on posting for

Yesterday we got all the materials. I'll post updates all day today as my bi-annual tradition. Don't mind the breakfast pizza for dad. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜…

As someone who couldn't swim at all before I joined the Marine Corps, this coming is dreadfully accurate. πŸ˜…

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