
Anyone know a good disability lawyer or advocate? My father is being abused by his spouse/caregiver.

Thank you.

@Hettivong could try your state ombudsman for elder abuse

call the state. whatever state you live in..... attorney general or someone like that

@Hettivong Oh god, I'm so sorry. I wish I could help. I looked for one for my mom (she was treated with chemo for cancer and I got another doc for her and found she never had cancer) tried to find one myself and couldn't. Keep up the hunt! Good luck, let us know where you are so we can read reviews and share in our area?

@Hettivong search for "[state] bar association attorney referral". Elder law is a special thing so don't settle for someone without that practice focus/experience.

@Hettivong There should be an adult protective services division (usually it is a part of Health and Human Services) in your state you can contact for that type of information, as well as to report the caregiver to the appropriate authority. I'm so sorry that's happening.


Really needs to be "local" imo if in the US as there are quite significant differences in handling disability & abuse in different courts or even by different judges.
Some version of Adult Protective Services might be informative or even helpful. Sometimes professional advocates who are not lawyers from Senior Centers or AaRP can help.
However there are predators mong lawyers, service agencies, & caregivers too. :(


@Hettivong 2/2
What type(s) of abuse are occurring should affect what intervention or support is given. Here's some info:

Are there other kids? do they share concerns? (Not necessary but it can help esp if abuser is a spouse)

Another set of resources

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