@Lucky188 Where do you think the crunch comes from? 😂
@0x56 Excellent book. And if you haven't read Neil Gaiman's "Neverwhere", I recommend it highly. Just a fantastic writer.
In celebration of National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day, the Question of the Day is simple: which type of peanut butter do you prefer, crunchy or smooth?
I'm up, but the jury is still out on whether I am awake or not.
Maybe I need some coffee and toast with jam...
@lenaoflune Very snazzy!
As a reminder, don’t believe everything you see or read online today.
Which is actually pretty good advice every other day of the year, too.
@0x56 that’s a different kind of blow job. 😎
@InvaderGzim I haven't thought about Fuddruckers in ages. I used to really like that place. Haven't seen one in years.
@WuzzaDiva #cheffail indeed 😂 😜
Sometimes experiments in the kitchen can go a bit... awry. Tried a new spin on mashed potatoes last night using small red russets (unpeeled) blended with sour cream and sautéed strawberry onions and garlic. Turns out I used about twice as much of the sweet onion as needed for proper "balance". So, obviously, I have to get another bag of potatoes to boil and mix in to dilute everything.
Managing editor of The Chattanooga Pulse website, best-selling SF/F editor, traffic reporter, sometime musician, kitten wrangler, lover of tropical shirts.