"...and then God said, 'Let there be coffee' and it was good and all was well with the world..." ~ The Gospel According To Juan Valdez.
Guess who has to do laundry today? And that's between having to make an in-person visit to the office, get my HVAC guy over to the house (downstairs AC is on the fritz), and do a number of household chores that I never enjoy.
Adulting sucks.
It’s hard to get dressed when a cat decides to sit on the clothes you laid out for the day.
@imafoal Okay, bacon smells pretty good, too. But coffee is still top of the list (if just barely).
Is there any better smell in the morning than freshly brewed coffee?
I think not.
I think the past week has gone well for America and I am cautiously optimistic looking ahead to November.
@bfgreen Glad to hear you're on the path to recovery.
No TV today, email is all read, website is updated. Can I go back to bed now?
I'm not used to doing television on Wednesdays.
(one of the many things I'd never thought I'd ever say when I was a kid)
Managing editor of The Chattanooga Pulse website, best-selling SF/F editor, traffic reporter, sometime musician, kitten wrangler, lover of tropical shirts.