It’s Monday. Can you sense my excitement? Well… at least I have coffee. Good morning, #CaffeineClub. ☕️
Having a healthy breakfast and can you tell how excited I am about this? Where are my pancakes? Where is my bacon? Most importantly, where is my coffee??? Good morning, #CaffeineClub. ☕️
Ready to start another week the only way I know how: with lots of #coffee. Good morning #CaffeineClub. ☕️😎
I don’t know why this phone doesn’t work. Maybe I need more coffee or something. Good morning #CaffeineClub ☕️ 🍌😎
Decisions, decisions, decisions... what to get? Good morning, #CaffeineClub. Which one(s) should I pick? #doughnuts #donuts ☕ 🍩
I'm not sure if this coffee mug is quite big enough... what do you think, #CaffeineClub? ☕
Oh, and good morning everyone. 😜
Is it Friday yet?
(checks calendar)
Hot damn!
(checks forecast)
No, seriously... it's going to be HOT today.
Good morning #CaffeineClub ☕
Not feeling photogenic this morning. I mean, there's a reason I work in radio and not TV. Just saying. As it is, here's a photo of what makes life worth living, or at least what gets me out of bed in the morning. #CaffeineClub
“Time isn’t holding up, time isn’t after us
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was.”
Good morning #CaffeineClub (and Talking Heads fans) ☕️
Managing editor of The Chattanooga Pulse website, best-selling SF/F editor, traffic reporter, sometime musician, kitten wrangler, lover of tropical shirts.