
Read this thread from Seth Abramson if you never read anything else.

Be afraid, be very afraid for our country.

@FireMonkey Ok that was terrifying. But not surprising. :USDistress: :Asshat: :trollsplat:

@FireMonkey I read that and I typed a response and erased it. Maybe I’m too tired, but I see no clear way out of this short of a coup.

@FireMonkey @Kit
Just to be clear, you're talking about what will likely be bloody, violent Civil War. Guerrilla Style. Police and Military will have to pick a side...and so will Civvies. I am opposed to this unless there is no other option. It MUST be a Last Resort. We are not yet at that point.

@Heucuva8 @Kit Agreed, just looking at the shrinking options. En Masse, nonviolent, MLK/Gandhian tactics; occupy the square, the federal and statehouse steps, etc. On set days, weekends when people can show up, like yellow vests. Nonviolent trainings, support for food and medical.

Check out this video from Justin King, "Beau of the Fifth Column". He talks about Yellow Vest and what it means for USA, as well as "What IS a Revolution".

@FireMonkey @Kit

@FireMonkey OK, so Russia and Egypt I kinda get. But aren't Saudi Arabia, UAE, Hungary, and Israel already our allies?? ESPECIALLY Israel?!? So, why the fuck are ALL they messing with our electoral system & trying to put this shitty leader in place? Especially one that is Anti-Semitic or at the very least a white nationalist? Aren't we Israel's big ally in the Middle East? I don't understand all the interests of these countries that they would *want* Trump in place??

@AvaSpeaksUp @FireMonkey

I think it's important to separate out the totality of those countries from the people who're currently in power in each.

Everyone of those countries is led by undemocratic nationalistic authoritarians with designs on lifetime rule and vast self-enrichment.

Personally, I think Putin is at the heart of it. Propping up populist after strongman populist with promise of reward from his vast wealth and power over Russia's energy industry.

@TheAbbotTrithemius @FireMonkey I hate all of this. I wish we could just take him out behind the White House & shoot him & put him out of our misery.... like an old, sick- well, not a dog, because I wouldn't even do that to a dog, but some other, really disgusting animal. A Komodo dragon. Ugh... I was watching Planet Earth 2 tonight. Komodo dragons? Super gross!!

@AvaSpeaksUp @FireMonkey

Komodo dragons are quite noble creatures. Please don't degrade them by comparing them to the repulsive twatwaffle in the White House.

@TheAbbotTrithemius @FireMonkey Planet Earth 2 on Netflix does *NOT* make them look noble... AT ALL! It makes them look slobbery, gross, and disgusting. A fly lands on one's face, tries to fly away and almost can't because it gets stuck in face slobber. It has to exceed the surface tension of the string of slobber as it labors to fly away from the Komodo Dargon's face... and just barely succeeds!! SUPER GROSS!

I was trying to eat, man!!

@AvaSpeaksUp @FireMonkey

It's relative. There's no doubt in my mind that the heart and soul of a scheming and emotionally damaged pathologically malignant narcissist like Donnie, makes the disgusting sticky face of a Komodo dragon appear to be a thing of health and nobility by comparison.

@TheAbbotTrithemius @FireMonkey I just want him out of office. Kids are dying in border patrol custody on Christmas, for God's sake.

How does any American *not* look like a fat man before the eye of a needle now? Hell, maybe it's the time of year, or the years of Southern Baptist hellfire & brimstone beat into my head, but if the Good Lord were to return tomorrow what could any of us say? We were waiting for Mueller? We called our Congresspeople? We voted? We marched? I couldn't look God in->

@FireMonkey @TheAbbotTrithemius -> the eye and say any of that. It's all true, of course. But I'd feel ashamed of myself. He/She would say I could've done more. He/She would say I SHOULD have done more. I have no idea what, but I know God would, because deep down I feel like I SHOULD.

There *has* to be more we could ALL be doing to get rid of that SOB. There just *has* to be. We can't keep letting kids die in custody. We can't keep letting them destroy our country. We just can't. I joke ->

@TheAbbotTrithemius @FireMonkey -> around a lot, and I'm silly A LOT. But I seriously can't take much more of this. I don't understand an America where this is allowed to continue.

Where we all see it every single night on the news & some of us just are cynical about it & go "Yep, those darn Republicans". And some of us are just quietly sad. And some are angry. Or depressed. Suicidal. And others are elated. Excited. Rejuvenated!

We can't keep calling ourselves good people unless we stop it.

@FireMonkey @TheAbbotTrithemius Maybe I'm wrong or naive. Maybe I never really understood what it meant to be American anyway? Maybe I was always just supposed to be an "I get mine & fuck everybody else" kind of person?? Because helping others surely hasn't worked out for me monetarily!! LOL!

I just always thought we were supposed to be BETTER than this. I thought we were the ones who lead by example. Set the standard. That when they said we were world leaders, it meant ALL of us.

@AvaSpeaksUp This current pile of bullshit is an anomaly. We have led the world, but that isn't Trump's thinking ( probably Bannon thinking behind Trump ). We will have work to do once Trump is out of the way, but we will lead again.

@TheAbbotTrithemius @FireMonkey

@MisterE @FireMonkey @TheAbbotTrithemius I'm not entirely convinced this *is* an anomaly, though. This is the same economic pattern the GOP has pulled the last few go rounds. They fuck up the economy, we have to take twice as long to fix it, but we do. Then they get back in charge (usually due to some bullshit- gerrymandering, Supreme Court, Electoral College, other cheating, etc.) & steal a shitload of $ & redistribute up to 1%. They start, continue, or ramp up a war to jack up DOD spending->

@TheAbbotTrithemius @FireMonkey @MisterE -> & leave us with a massive deficit, social programs a mess from cuts, & everything pulled further to the right & a Sysiphean challenge to pull anything back to the left or to take $ away from defense because of all the shit they've pulled & the deficit they've left behind. They've run this cycle what? 2-3 times now & each time they just get better organized & if Seth Abrahmson (sp?) is to be believed, now they have internat'l help guiding their hands.->

@MisterE @FireMonkey @TheAbbotTrithemius It's frustrating to me that either no one sees this, or other's see it and don't seem to be doing anything about it. Or even worse, that somehow Dems are accepting of this pattern & are going along with it for some God awful reason!!

If that's the case, just go ahead and string me up right now because I don't want to be here anymore. I know we are a very "warlike" Coke vs. Pepsi kind of culture, but if I ever find out Coke & Pepsi (R's & D's) are ->

@TheAbbotTrithemius @FireMonkey @MisterE -> working together to carve this country up like this? Like two lumberjacks just handling the saw back & forth to cut through a massive redwood? And they've developed a game plan to redistribute money & power up, and suck everything out of the little people from the bottom while still pretending to give them hope every few election cycles? Well, one, that's a hell of an idea for a book. And two, I'd die before I could write it.

@AvaSpeaksUp @MisterE @FireMonkey

Jeezus...I want to start making the molotov cocktails just reading that.

I think that's important knowledge you have AVA and you should write it! Things will get better it's just going to take time.

The GOP, the one with McConnell's face on it knows they're done. They're just trying to glue the pendulum on the Right (Although they're an insult to the Conservatism) as hard as the can and maybe permanently before the inevitable real revolution that's coming.

@TheAbbotTrithemius @FireMonkey @MisterE

Well, since the years of Reaganomics, the Right has instigated what I see as a "gravity well" of pulling this country to the right. That's essentially forty years of dragging us rightward. I don't see how they could do it much harder. I mean, we are already past the event horizon in my mind. I'm honestly not sure how we escape the black hole of it at this point.

@AvaSpeaksUp @MisterE @FireMonkey @TheAbbotTrithemius Post-WW1 Palmer raids on "Reds", post-WW2 HUAC and Dies Committee, Joe McCarthy in the 50s, even Martha Mitchell during the Nixon years saying that the country was going to go so far Right we wouldn't recognize it. It's been going on for a hundred years. Not to mention the rise of the Klan in the 20s, and "fundamentalist "Christianity at the same time.

@Kennyes @TheAbbotTrithemius @FireMonkey @MisterE @AvaSpeaksUp

Hillary Clinton warned us, years ago, of a “vast right wing conspiracy”. Of course she was laughed at.


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@AvaSpeaksUp @MisterE @FireMonkey @TheAbbotTrithemius
What you are feeling shows that you are a good person. I know it doesn't mean much to have "moral superiority", when it's LITERALLY killing people, but you take what solace you can find. Else, you will drive yourself to the edge of the Abyss. Then, they'll come for you and nobody will speak out, because there's nobody left.

@Heucuva8 @TheAbbotTrithemius @FireMonkey @MisterE Thank you. That means a lot to me, coming from you especially because I don't see you talk very often. Thanks!

@AvaSpeaksUp OK. Sorry I responded to this "conversation". Please remove me from it.

@MisterE It's OK. I'm done. *I* don't even want to think about this any more. Sorry for being depressing on Christmas!!

@AvaSpeaksUp You're not. Remember, this is a strong and resilient Republic. It has handled a lot before, and it will handle what Trump dishes out. The country will bounce back after Trump is gone.

@AvaSpeaksUp @FireMonkey @MisterE

👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏

@TheAbbotTrithemius @MisterE @FireMonkey Thanks Abbot. You're very kind about me losing my mind last night. 😬

@AvaSpeaksUp @FireMonkey @MisterE

👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏

@TheAbbotTrithemius @FireMonkey Who the HELL am I if I'm not the good kind of American?
If I'm not the kid who picked up the kids who fell at the roller skating rink?
If I'm not the kid who ambushed bullies who'd been beating up on the littler kids even though he was bigger & meaner than me?
If I'm not the woman who faced a lifetime of an abusive father to become a domestic violence social worker?
If I'm not the feminist who advocated for rape victims 24/7 for years?
I'm too old to change!

@AvaSpeaksUp @FireMonkey

👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏

@AvaSpeaksUp @FireMonkey @TheAbbotTrithemius "Who shall abide the Day of His coming? "
"A day of wrath, a day of darkness, of clouds and thick darkness "

@AvaSpeaksUp I love you Ava, but we should never suggest shooting - I wish ill will no doubt about that, but words matter. Thanks.
@FireMonkey @TheAbbotTrithemius

@Anemone @TheAbbotTrithemius @FireMonkey

Or rubber bullets? Or those beanie baby bags? Or whatever they are?

@Anemone I got the worst bruise ever in my life from a paintball once! And I wasn't EVEN in the game at the time!! I was walking in with my weapon above my head because I was OUT!!

And some redneck asshole who was taking it WAY too seriously shot me in my very delicate, very feminine (despite the fact it was covered in Army surplus camo) inner thigh! Of all the damn places. It turned completely black & took months to heal.

I whipped around & lit him up so hard he probably still feels it.

@AvaSpeaksUp @FireMonkey @TheAbbotTrithemius @Anemone It would be a waste. Lock him up, and make him last, for everything. He waits at the end of the line. Call him by the wrong name. Narcissistic torture 😈

@AvaSpeaksUp I understand the desire, but do not endorse. Good for the imagination, bad in fact. Believe me. One of my stated fantasies is to be the guy to build the gallows on the national Mall for these traitors - once they have been tried and convicted.

@AvaSpeaksUp @FireMonkey @TheAbbotTrithemius

Israel benefits from having someone who enacts the evangelist agenda in the White House. Because the Evangelists believe Israel needs to exist for the second coming to happen.

@tyghebright @TheAbbotTrithemius @AvaSpeaksUp These end of timers. As bad as any Muslim fanatics. Both are small parts of each (Muslim/Christianity writ large) and like them are vocal and active. The ACT - American Christian Taliban.

@FireMonkey @TheAbbotTrithemius @tyghebright True. As just a normal (somewhat doubting) Christian... those people make me really, really angry.

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