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Cat Pope boosted

Rush Limbaugh used to celebrate the deaths of people with HIV on his show. With like, goofy sound effects and ****. I will absolutely dance on his grave if I get the opportunity.

Plus dying of lung cancer after crusading FOR cigarette companies... pretty fitting imo.

@Qbae looks like his rant didn't go over well with his constituents.

Worried about my cousin in Austin. He's got no heat! D:

Cat Pope boosted

That is not your son anymore. That is a bacon double cheeseburger.

If you're running an impeachment trial that you are certain to lose, the goal is to have the best possible political theater and to look strong for the supporters. A written statement ≠ a witness on live tv. Those aren't remotely close to equivalent.

Not calling witnesses was an incredibly stupid move. Pundits are tripping over themselves trying to justify this garbage, but they're wrong. The optics of this move are trash.

Cat Pope boosted
Cat Pope boosted

least surprising thing I learned today: Ted Cruz does not know Faulkner and Shakespeare were different people.

If you ever find yourself in NYC - especially if you're a queer person - do not trust the Guardian Angels group. They're just another group of thugs in uniform.

Watching the confirmation hearings for one of my least favorite political figures 🤢 really hope she doesn't get the position.

It's a real shame the kitten filter lawyer is such a terrible person.

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Cat Pope

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