F***in love making ice box cakes. Totally the best effort to reward ratio of all the cakes.

Izzles got tangled in the cord for the blinds. Look how grumpy he is!

@ContentTBA he's so obsessed with optics and appearing impartial that he isn't able to be objective. It makes him weak even though he has one of the most powerful positions in the gov.

@Coctaanatis yes that is what Amazon said but it isn't true. Again this is because of tiktok videos basically claiming the Flipper Zero is a magic wand that can do any crime.

Canada talking about banning the flipper because of car theft lmao all because of some fake-a** tiktoks that claim you can use it to empty ATMs and s***. It's like if the gov decided to ban bobby pins cause you can use them to open locks in Fallout IV.

Going from Oaxana to Puerto Escondido via an 8 hour bus ride through treacherous mountain roads was a wild experience that I do not recommend.

Back from Mexico and I kinda miss it already. The juice! The food! The vibes! All vastly superior.

@allin @Heucuva8 ppl srs wish they could just get regular heroin. tranq dope is so so so much worse in every way but it's all that's available.

Took a 8 hour bus ride through the mountains to Puerto Escondido and even with the help of industrial strength anti-nausea agents, it was stomach churning. The bus didn't drive off a cliff tho so all is well. I will never do that again.

Visiting Mexico again, in Oaxaca right now. It's amazing. Makes me think of pre-pandemic Brooklyn a little bit, but more brightly colored. It's sad how racist and unhinged the US media coverage is... doesn't reflect reality here.

@EnochianEntropy @voltronic Neuromancer is so good! Arguably the most influential sci-fi novel in the 20th century.

@Tarnagh @artildawn if you see someone complain that art shouldn't be apolitical, their actual problem is the politics of the art. 100% of the time.

I'm going to Mexico in a few days and as is often the case I am beset by anxiety about the house and my cats. Who will play with Curie at 2am when she sings at the bottom of the stairs? Will the wind peel the roof of my garage/barn?

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