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@JV3MJD I was amongst people griping about this. I don’t chime in anymore. I just silently ask for them to have a change of heart.

@AndersonArtwork I had a similar experience when snorkeling in Hawaii. My dad loved to snorkle but in lakes in the Northeast. As I took in all the beautiful varieties of fish I thought of my dad and wondered if he had ever gotten to experience a scene like this. I asked my mom, later, and they were supposed to but something interfered with the trip. I hope he was able to be there with me, in spirit (literally). Maybe your dad was there with you!

@CinnamonGirlE I feel like people who are inflexible about change are the unhappiest of all and hold back things getting better. Because if you are afraid of change you miss out on things changing for the better.

@MidnightRider thanks, me too! It’ll be interesting seeing what we brought from the old house stays and what goes (delayed purging). I know it won’t all stay. It’ll be a blend of old stuff and new (or at least new-to-us) decor.

We closed on our new home (and the buyers closed on our old home). Now I have to go on a plane for a pre-planned trip. Truthfully, I just want to settle into the new home but move-in date isn’t until we get back. But yesterday some appliance and new furniture deliveries came and I spent time lining shelves (still not done) and while we are gone our handyman is doing some work for us. So while I am taking a break, things are still moving forward in .

@cassandra17lina it means tomorrow is treat yourself to a relaxing day!

@zenmudprod @MidnightRider totally have said this myself. Time for me to step back and let the next generation have the voice. (By step back I don’t mean not vote.) My son noted that there aren’t any candidates that fall in the center anymore. He’s fiscally conservative/socially liberal. A finance guy.

I have a 30-year old nephew who is a rabid Trump supporter and a SIL who is also in his early 30s and votes GOP. Doesn’t like Trump but voted for him twice. So, they are out there. 😢

@ATXJane @JPSCHWEIZER63 I’m totally exhausted at the end of all the packing and purging. It did feel like a circus at times. I, luckily, had the gift of time so there will be less purging (still some) on this setting up house end. When it got near the end it’s like my brain ran out of decisions and I just threw everything in boxes. For example, I do NOT need all the brooms I brought with me. We are not that messy.

@Patti1120 hi. Maybe I haven’t mentioned it, but I’m also a distant cousin of yours…

(JK, I’m gluten-free, anyway. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t have just confessed to this little lie in an attempt to get some of your delicious cookies.)

@JPSCHWEIZER63 yes. Same. Now we will be in a townhouse with less home responsibilities, freeing up time to enjoy the grandkids even more.

@LnzyHou and we signed up for a sports club membership today. Setting up that new life!

@ACG2 as a friend said, Princeton (our hometown, in MA) will be forever in your heart.

Today we met someone who lives in our new community. And, like everyone else we’ve met that lives there, she loves it. Helps offset the sad.

@Kurtroedeger I say mix together but in sections, not completely. They will intermingle over time. Monarda (bee balm) might also be nice in that mix.

- Movers came. I cleaned. Hubby left for a last trip to the recycle center while I finished cleaning then walked around the house saying goodbye and thank you to every room. Closure.

Now we are at our daughter’s house until we close then move in mid-April. It was emotional saying goodbye to this house and mini-farm we had built and raised our family in/on.

Luckily, I had seen our new house the day before for a house inspection. It made yesterday easier.


@danialexis I haven’t looked at its output for a while, but hubby played with it to have it generate a poem. Gave it some parameters. He thought it was clever. I told him that it was one of the worst examples of actual poetry. Just because something rhymes does not a poem make. I hope you teachers will be able to discern the AI stuff or figure out it was AI generated through some kind of service like a plagiarism service. I feel like it won’t replace you but might make your job harder.

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