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This is the most safe I've ever felt on social media ❤️

CoSo Tip

If you follow someone there is no implied "followback". Around here people follow who they wish.

Your "follower count" does not mean shit. Nobody is counting.

PS. if you wish someone to follow you, crack that egg, write a short bio. And post interesting stuff.

ok. enough media for the night. I'm off to bed. Night all new and long time CoSonauts!!

Hey folks, find
Church of Prismatic Light 🌈✨
on Twitter and Tiktok and give them a follow. They just got federally recognized as a legitimate religious organization.
Their goal is to provide a recognized religious faith for LGBTQ+, Trans and allies while fighting back against religious oppression being pushed by Right Wing politicians

oh gawd...LOL....I'm doom scrolling here before bed just as much as I do on tiktok and twitter


woooooo...I've done more posting today at one time than I've done the whole time I've had my account here. LOL...

there's quite a few blue checks on Twitter questioning Counter social's legitimacy... 🙄

Welcome to all the new Counter Social users!!

I've got questions about the CosonautPro level and being verified.

Hey @th3j35t3r OMG...I was wondering why I wasn't seeing your tweets over on Twitter. It looks like you blocked me. Umm...why?

well..just got my first twitter timeout for calling DeSantos "deathsantos"

so funny.......And the mypillow guy said, "he would use his own servers and that the platform had "some of the highest security ever." It's "space-age stuff," he said."

who else is feeling more relaxed now that adults are back in the WH and seats of authority?

I am SO HAPPY! My dad got a call from the VA today to schedule is 1st COVID-19 vaccine shot! He's set for the end of the month and the round two shot for two weeks after! This is a HUGE relief for me and for him!

Dont watch scary youtube/TikTok when lurking on counter social...the scanners will make you think the spirits have found you....LOL


holy crap..LOL COSOCOM just scared the CRAP out of me LOL...I have on my headphones and I"m just lurking reading toots and police scanner for Indianapolis went off.
I had NO CLUE who was talking to me. LOL.

I'm very happy with the Android App for Counter Social! I'll be alot more active on here now!

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.