
there's quite a few blue checks on Twitter questioning Counter social's legitimacy... 🙄

@irishafricanamerican I know..right?? seeing lots of "I never ever heard of Counter Social until just now..."
I get it. what I don't get is the silliness they're trying to imply here. I don't do a whole lot of posting here, lurk more. but i have been here since the day it launched.

Proof that the blue checks over there do not equal informed commentary.

@voltronic I know. several of them should know better, too. THEY talk about being informed all the time...
All because J isn't out playing like Jack or Musk, they wanna imply something shady is going on.

@catlynne333 So, I'm pointing out that Blue Checks on Twitter are doing their best to imply Counter.Social is shady and run by shady, unknown, dangerous villians.

@Eclecticmezzo @catlynne333

I saw that and tried to counter. Don't know if it did any good. And surprised that some accounts I had followed actually were negative. In an unsubstantiated way - just casting doubt. Time to unfollow. Before I exit totally.

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