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thank you to everyone who followed me back!

ACk! is that the time! I'll be back on later (alot later this evening)

Thank you to ALL who've been replying! I'm not out much do the COVID. not getting much in social engagement! It's much appreciated!

everyone on is way more friendly and engaging than Twitterverse residents. seems like the only way you get any engagement on twitter is if you have a Huge following or you behave like a dick.

@th3j35t3r forgive me if i've missed it somewhere, but did you ever toot or tweet about who set up the antifa dot com website? Lyin Ted Cruz is tweeting it out like it proves something.

I don't often toot over here, but I can still appreciate all the work that @jth3j35t3r has put into making this stellar social media tool

Nvm....I've been out of the news loop for 24hrs. Had no idea it happened Thursday morning.

Has anyone heard any info about a possible shooting on a us military base tonight? I saw some random MAGA tweeting about it.

Twitter is just too full of trolls & bots tonight

Hi folks! I've been meaning to try this for a while now and this seemed as good a time as any. 😊


This surge of newcomers to CoSo has me feeling nostalgic and feels so much like the early days.

The personal welcomes that so many people have offered here truly matter.

I remember so many of my early conversations and resulting connections here. Many of them have persisted and have come to mean a great deal to me.

That is what you/we are offering to the new arrivals...the beginnings of connections that may take root and flourish in this nurturing environment.

CoSo truly is special


Jared is a Sysadmin at Twitter... who's ditching Twitter over his concerns. Ballsy. I like it.

just became a Patreon for Counter.Social 🙂

Really glad you made this for folks sick of Twitter Jack and the Bots

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.