
Just joined. It looks bewildering . . .

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@Drepananphis It looks... different, to what you are used to, and different to every other social media site. That's all.

There's lots of customization options to explore, you can even make it look like all the others with one click, if you really want to๐Ÿ‘

Welcome to CoSo
Push some buttons
Post what interests you
check out the user guide

And ask any questions you may have & have fun

Hello and welcome! Oh, I hear you! When I joined almost 6 years ago, I had not ever used an interface like this. It was so foreign and I was, admittedly, intimidated by it.

I just clicked on all the buttons and icons and asked a lot of questions. The community was and still is so helpful.

The user's guide will answer all your questions on how to navigate. Here's the link

Follow @CoSoTips and @status for additional help and platform notices.

@Drepananphis Like anything new and different, I suppose. I did stumble about a bit when I first joined, but the learning curve isn't really steep. Keep at it, I think you'll be glad you did.

@Drepananphis It's a lot, but it's also really easy to get started.

If you're not using it in the browser of a regular computer, do that first. The phone app doesn't show enough to get you oriented.

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