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@Bix @UmbaSaffire First round of qua dore is just a simple can they be impartial can they understand evidence presented, challenges are unlimited. Second round does have limits of challenges. Changing the rules now would hand Trump an easy mistrial with double indemnity attached (not gonna happen). Currently the jury selection hasn't actually even started - still pretrial motions before that starts.(11:40 EST)

@InUnfunky @CanisPundit @VelvetDuchess @UmbaSaffire @JoyfullyDazed

From the NYT article:

"Mr. Trump’s lawyers have warned him repeatedly that he needs to try not to behave erratically in front of juries and that some judges will have him put in jail if he does."

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How often is voir dire like this trial - unlimited dismissals?

I've testified around 20 times in criminal trials for work.

Trials days were always exciting.
The voir dire is wild, both sides have an unlimited number of dismissals to use on potential jurors.

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TMTG lists "Former Chairman President Donald Trump" as a key factor affecting the company's operations:

TMTG's success depends in part on the popularity of our brand and the reputation and popularity of President Trump. The value of TMTG's brand may diminish if the popularity of President Trump were to suffer... Additionally, TMTG's business plan relies on President Trump bringing his former social media followers to TMTG's platform.

Putin & Trump are in control of any bills getting out of the US Congress. Change my mind.

Bix boosted

1/4th of Tesla's executives are let go.
As shows us on the , he is an awful manager.

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