@ITKV 100%

No shit that you got pictures with world leaders, to the USA's shame, you were president.

Take a look and tell me if the most of the press treats both sides the same. Imagine if Biden tweeted any of these items.

Dave Wasserman, Redistrict:
Just before the filing deadline, McCarthy allies land naval aviator Aaron Dimmock (R) to challenge Rep. Matt Gaetz (R) in the 8/20 primary. Will be a race to watch.
Trey's Childhood Home

CNN's Dana Bash:
Lawyers for Hunter Biden are telling Fox News to correct the record on bribery allegations made by a discredited FBI informant or face a defamation lawsuit.

Bix notes:

I love an engrossing long novel, but a good short story is a compact thing of beauty.

Today's free audiobook:
In The Penal Colony - Franz Kafka
Luck - Mark Twain
The Mortal Immortal - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
and more stories

@InUnfunky @CinnamonGirlE
This is 100% why it is a war on women - this has nothing to do with an abortion ban.

@InUnfunky @CinnamonGirlE
I paid for braces and bachelor's degrees for my daughters, just to have Republicans come along and make their lives not worth as much a possible baby.

Bix boosted

"It is a shame we cannot find more funding for cancer research and that this work will be impacted by partisan efforts to slash spending."

Republicans killed curing cancer.

That isn’t a typo. They didn’t want a “Biden win” — as if cancer only hurts Democrats. This USED to be bipartisan.

What is so awful about CURES? Why is the Republican Party so horrid?


You can't be a authoritarian ruler and have your crack & sack covered in shit.
Trump is humiliated by his incontinence, for everyone don't be.

@InUnfunky @CinnamonGirlE
I need to work on my wife, "Moving to Vermont" plan.

The guitarist The Guv moved to northern Michigan because Arizona got too hot.

Write bullshit for The New York Post, any us could it:

Bix boosted

There is something so wrong in this country. No other developed country risks the health of women because they are so stridently anti-abortion.

Bix boosted

The health of the female outweighs a POSSIBLE baby. This is pro-life, the life that is in front of our eyes.

The jury and judge are close to the defendant. The judge needs to make him clean up when he shits his pants.

Bix note:
Not joking, nobody should have to work next to a full diaper. I could not do it.

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