Take a look and tell me if the most of the press treats both sides the same. Imagine if Biden tweeted any of these items.

You can't be a authoritarian ruler and have your crack & sack covered in shit.
Trump is humiliated by his incontinence, for everyone don't be.

Write bullshit for The New York Post, any us could it:

The health of the female outweighs a POSSIBLE baby. This is pro-life, the life that is in front of our eyes.

“Can you remember a criminal defendant repeatedly unable to stay awake at his own trial? I can’t."

The European neighbors are letting play Yoku Ono's worst caterwauling at full volume & on repeat.
Time for a RF seeking missile.

Supreme Court has DENIED latest request by former Trump advisor Peter Navarro for release from prison pending appeal.

Hope is a dangerous thing.

"Acknowledging that Russia believes it's at war with the West, and is attacking us with measures it considers to be part of that war, doesn't mean entering an endless war with Moscow. It's just a realistic starting point for thinking about how to respond."

Call me an elitist, but the smell of a sweaty rear end is extremely unpleasant.

Skippy is best known for the role of the pet dog "Asta" in the 1934 detective comedy The Thin Man.
MAGA Republicans would have shot him if the working dog messed up his parts in his films.

In the 1970's, in the the 4th grade, I was taught about the atmosphere and greenhouse effect. The bill is here for burning fossil fuels.

and his GOP backers
"Kasparov is just not that bright," is a hell of a take.

It is a bad idea for petrostates to illegally attack their neighbors because they are very flammable.

bomb him.
Aftermath of the drone attack on Russian oil depot in Yartsevo.

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