Baltimore Oriole

Many more images of this gorgeous birds on my Instagram:

Looks like
is blocking the
Speedtest app. Have mobile data turned off and am on home wifi, run the test and `Failed`. Turn on VPN and "Great success!"

Twitter has become a minefield of dog turds and cat vomit that you must navigate in the dark, barefoot and off balance, ass backwards into the unknown.

New essay up on Stonekettle Station: The Mad Titan.

"Russian disinformation rampant on far-right social media platforms."

Sidenote: Do you know where this isn't a problem? I do.

Leaked documents indicate over 300 members of far-right paramilitary Oath Keepers may be current or former DHS employees, Project on Government Oversight reports.

Some drink experiments that turned out okay.
1 oz skrewball whiskey
1 oz Hucked huckleberry whiskey
2 dashes bitters
3 barspoons luxardo cherry juice

1.5 oz Hucked whiskey
.5 oz Gran Marnier
3 barspoons luxardo cherry juice
3 dashes Aztec chocolate bitters

Stir with ice. Serve over fresh ice in an old fashioned glass.


Tonight's moon.

Nikon Z9 and a Meade 10" ACF Reflector telescope

Okay, here's the GOP plan:

Step 1: Investigate Hunter Biden (also perhaps Hillary Clinton just because)

Step 2: Give billionaires more money.

Step 3: Something something Litter Boxes, Critical Race Theory, and Drag Queens Oh No! Rage! Rage!

Step 4: Free Turkey for everyone! (some restrictions apply, limited time only, not available in all areas, some hidden fees, proof of citizenship required)
Later: Christmas Fruitcakes now $1200

Arkan Wolfshade

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.