is there a tracert for financial transaction🤔

@Alfred is there a link between hormones and delusional thinking

@Alfred What is the definition of "CODA" and does relate to the USPS

Jen Taub
Chuck is the author of several works of nonfiction including "The Wealth Hoarders: How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Trillions: is my guest this week. We mostly discussed his debut novel, Altar to an Erupting Sun, a near-future story of one community facing climate disruption came out this May.

Listen here:

In America is just a team building excise with Israel 🤔

Akhund Fazel Golpayegani, a member of experts and involved in 4 decades of looting and crimes against the people of Iran, died an hour ago!

New rule: If more people peel off on your second run at it, it's over. Stop wasting everyone's fucking time.

Dear Jim Jordan,

You suck. People hate you. They dont want a douche canoe as their leader. Take the hint, and fuck off.


All of Us

"Revenge is like walking through a foggy forest: it's easy to get off the path, to lose your way." — Kill Bill, vol. 1

Jim Jordan out at speaker and the Kracken flipping...celebrating tonight...might have an extra beer

watch with stepson...accused Mike of repeating Muslin Brotherhood lies?

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Argus Panoptes

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.