
What a day. In the past 12 hours, I have:

1. Set up for recording a choir and orchestra concert, including multiple mics, stands, and 60 lbs of counterweights.

2. Attended rehearsal as choir member.

3. Performed in concert.

4. Tore down and drove back.

5. Did post work on recording.

6. Delivered recording to client. (I donated my services as this was a benefit concert.) They needed it done in a week, but I like to get the product out as soon as possible.

I made some Turkish coffee for breakfast. I don't drink coffee in the afternoon or evening no matter how tired I am because I don't sleep.

@voltronic 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 Thank you for your work. Whew! Now it’s time to rest.


Wow that's a lot of work--so amazingly generous to donate your time <3

They were very fortunate recipients of your talent :)

@voltronic , that is devotion, to your Art, your community, your clients. I hope you spend some of that on yourself, soon. 🥰

@voltronic , I'm glad you had a whole day to nerd out with and for like-minded folks, too. 🥰🤓😎

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