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Okay, if anyone is interested, blog link shows the first two years of Celia's growth, showing why I love this plant so much. Keep in mind that most pitcher plants either have no pigment, or veins that deepen to burgundy with age, with various shades of autumn leaf between, maybe white windows to screw with insects. Or look like meat. Celia has decided to look like a tropical drink instead :).

Psst, @fernfren hoping you swing by, say hi.

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You have said something that gives someone hope. You have done something that makes someone smile, even years later. You are remembered. You have warmed someone's heart.

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A post about my recovery garden and how it is like Persephone, the goddess of spring and wife of Death, inspired by the Page of Pentacles. Also, some haunted moss and a good look into my frog’s golden eyes.

@fernfren (more frog pics on the blog, not sure if you've seen them all)

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The "Sunday Scaries" are a real thing--

if you are starting to feel the rough energy of preparing for a new week,

here 😍

Joe is cleaning out the shed, he found the rock painting books I painted Fred with. I have four of these books. Time to start looking for suitable rocks.


Hey CoSo!

You may need to see a tiny owl with a parasol more than you even realize 😍

(*snipped from a video)

Wow that superhero show The Boys on Amazon is funny and timely message and whatnot, but they seem really determined to traumatize their audience. I need a blankie and a quiet corner.

Even better. I'm itching to pull out my wallet. These babies will look great under my blacklight wall hanging of two skeletons making out.

Today Amazon recommended to me a twist on the reborn baby dolls that I was not aware existed.

Daughter just got praised for speaking up for her needs by going up to daddy and (politely but directly) demanding he does a "better job of providing his wife and daughter with coke and milkshakes". We're going to raise a force of nature.

"Faeries are not fantasy, but a connection to reality. Faeries are irrational, poetic, absurd, and very, very wise. Faeries say there is nonsense in dogma, and sense in nonsense. Faeries express themselves with high seriousness and low humour. Faeries are resistant to all definitions. " -- Brian Froud

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Gemma Sarracenia

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