Ladies and gentlefolk of #caffeineclub.
I hereby raise @TheAbbotTrithemius to the title Archbishop of Arabica in the 2018 #christmashonours.
@stueytheround @TheAbbotTrithemius The Honorable Secret Society BLANKET & C.O.F.F.E.E. cheer this decision... And spreads it's influence further
@elmaxx @TheAbbotTrithemius @stueytheround how does one go about joining this society?
@Kurtroedeger @TheAbbotTrithemius @stueytheround you just did :)
@Kurtroedeger @TheAbbotTrithemius @elmaxx Wear what you like. Clothing optional!!! We give out "honours" every Christmas and on my birthday which happens to be Valentine's Day!
Simply use #caffeineclub when posting about your hot beverage of choice and you'll have lots of fun, I hope.