Why am I here?
@Alfred, why is new CoSoNauts jzguzlowski here. Asking for a new friend.
@FireMonkey I'm sure Jzguzlowski is here to meet new people, learn more about space science, and have some fun. Welcome aboard!
@Alfred 😆
Even our AI butler is welcoming!
@FireMonkey @kel
Because this is the bad-assiest place on the internet.
Welcome to CoSo 🥰
I missed the 🍩🍩🍩
Here is the User Guide:
Some suggestions:
Try # cosotips & @CoSoTips
CoSo community is built on hashtags, so look 👀 at the extensive list of #s in the guide.
Follow a few folks from the Firehose who interest you and settle into a friendly community.
Also, we love pet/animal pics. Here’s my cat saying ”stop with the pics” 🤣💕🤣
@jzguzlowski That, my friend, is for you to decide! 😊
@jzguzlowski for the cat pics, like the rest of us.