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My favorite season is the Fall

of the Patriarchy.


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It started out poorly. But then I got lucky!

Wordle 521 3/6


Woot! Hard one today! 11/18:
71/71 words (+62 bonus words)
📖 In the top 2% by bonus words
🔥 Solve streak: 3

I have found another word puzzle! 11/16:
58/58 words (+19 bonus words)
📖 In the top 19% by bonus words

Daily puzzle therapy. 🙃 I could use one more great word game. Suggestions?

Wordle 515 4/6




🔥 streak: 13

Posting here is still hit-n-miss for me. I composed a couple longer toots that never successfully posted. Have the DoS attacks subsided, I hope?



🔥 streak: 12

Wordle 514 3/6


HiRISE 3D: The Stunning Beauty of Aram Chaos

What a wonderful view of chaotic terrain in 3D! This image was requested to give additional coverage over existing CRISM data.

Tip for iPhone users. 🤣

Ask Siri if she is self-aware.

I was on a long drive and pondering AI. I thought it would be fun to ask her that. It was!

That went better than I anticipated, after the first word did so poorly.

Wordle 504 3/6


A friend who is still on the deranged bird site shared this with me. A newly fired employee suspended the musky smelling owner’s account. 🤣

Hey employees getting laid off tomorrow! IMPORTANT INFO from a CA employment attorney (me): (LisaBloom)

CA's "WARN" law requires Twitter to give you 60 days notice of a massive layoff.

A layoff of 50+ employees within a 30 day period qualifies.

I know you didn't get that notice.

The Catholic Church and its affiliates were the largest financial backers in the failed bid to strip abortion protections in Kansas.

Now, they are pouring millions to try it in Kentucky.

Back when she was still “missing,” I watched the video of that encounter in horror. One doesn’t have to be a battered woman to see the obvious signs, even aside from an outsider witnessing and reporting violence to 911. But “trained” officers just couldn’t see what to many of us screamed DV?!? I would hope that police would be better trained about DV. Alas, not.

I agree with her parents. Gabby did not have to die.

good night CoSo colleagues. 🛏🥱
fall is glorious this year. here's another couple samples.

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❄️ Myrth ❄️

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