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RT @[email protected]: We are now only one vote short in the Senate from reaching the 51 we need to override the FCC vote on . Tomorrow morning please call as many Republican Senators as you can. Focus on swing states first. We got this.

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John Gotti was deemed as untouchable, and was nicknamed "The Teflon Don" because prosecutors was never able to hold him accountable..until one day....
You know who sent him to prison for the rest of Gotti´s life?

Robert S. Mueller III

Does anyone know anything about trump winning some award in 1986? It was something to do with Ellis Island and Rosa Parks. Was he trying to rehabilitate his image or something?

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I have seen J on TW in the last 1/2 hour. I challenge ever CS User to simply tweet counter.social at least once in the next 24 hours. Watch the bump, Bump, BUMP! Then keep it up!

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Awesome! Haiti WILL release the documents. Better have armed guards for all of the people and documents involved. Too many people die as a result of investigations into Trump corruption.
RT @[email protected] BREAKING: Haiti just had an emergency high court session resulting in an agreement to unseal & release documents relating to Jean-Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier's indictments for money laundering through Trump Tower. Looks like Trump will regret insulting Haiti!
KARMA's a B*tch!

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I scared the postman today by going to the door naked.

I’m not sure what scared him more, my naked body or the fact that I knew where he lived.

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Last week Nazi Gorka called our Prime Minister reprehensible, and today FoxNews posted this!

They fear Canadian society!
I'm so proud.

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In case there is any doubt to content or context, here is the transcript of Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have A Dream" speech.


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RT @[email protected]: De Spiegel - Humanity as a whole is being set back just because of one single person. The achievements of decades - the fight against a climate disaster, against the nuclear threat, for equality between men and women 1/2

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Cleveland police officer: I shot suspect, killing him, after he declined to get out of car, reached for gun. Witnesses: The suspect was kneeling on the ground with his hands up when the officer shot him in the back of the head. Jury: Excessive force. District court: Pay $4 mil. Sixth Circuit: Affirmed. (The officer is still on the force.)

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J foots the bill for all the hardware, software, firewall etc and puts in what I assume enormous amounts of time not just daily CS activities but creating awesome troll killing bots like @ed209

I work in a data center, I know how much this costs..

become a patreon member If you want to help, for a low as $1 a month. Every bit helps to keep this awesome place going strong!!!

thank you!


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Palm Beach County, Fla. officer stops bicyclist; four seconds later, he shoots the cyclist four times at point blank range, rendering him a paraplegic. Jury: Excessive force. District court: Pay him $22 mil. Eleventh Circuit: Vacated. The jury got bad instructions. Dissent: The officer didn’t challenge the instruction the majority seizes on; neither side briefed whether it was incorrect; and it wasn’t. (I’m not posting the video link, but if anyone wants it, DM me)


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RT @[email protected]: Nine years ago today, a routine flight turned into a life-changing moment for 155 people. While I reflect today on , I am continuously inspired by how crew, passengers, rescuers and first responders rose to the occasion to save every life. Photo via @[email protected]

Car goes airborne, gets wedged in upper wall of two-story building. google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwjuC

National Post: The real problem with NAFTA is Canada, not Mexico, Paul Ryan says. google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwivq

Seriously people. Does anybody believe that Canada is the problem here?

RCMP link Ontario man to LeakedSource.com, home of 3 billion hacked accounts. google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwy7y

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As chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) used $150,000 in taxpayer dollars to settle with a former aide who alleged he was fired in part because he was not willing to focus his investigative work on HRC.
Misuse of taxpayer $$?

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