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Jҽαʂƚ boosted
Jҽαʂƚ boosted
Jҽαʂƚ boosted

nuclear war will be terrible for the trout population

Jҽαʂƚ boosted

I still don’t understand why Flo from Progressive needs to have an apron on to sell car insurance. It's been bothering me for some time now.

nuclear war will be terrible for the trout population

Jҽαʂƚ boosted


RT: @joshcarlosjosh

but they were, all of them, deceived, for another checkmark was made

Jҽαʂƚ boosted

RT: @duty2warn

NYT says the PA Senate race now "leans Dem" for Fetterman.

Jҽαʂƚ boosted

Stolen from tumblr

"I also recommend a strategy that Redditors have used to take down hate subs. Do you see a heinous, bigoted tweet next to an advertisement? Screenshot it and send it to the brand saying 'this is the kind of content you're partnering with on Twitter?' Turn their capitalistic pearl clutching against them. If Musk has to choose between 'free speech' and advertiser money, he will absolutely choose the money. He's already made that clear."

Jҽαʂƚ boosted
Jҽαʂƚ boosted

Fuck bolsonaro. Fuck fascists. Fuck fascism.

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