Saw a toddler wearing one of these yesterday, and it was too adorable. My mother always got dirty looks putting a leash on me, though she thought it was less restrictive than strapping a child in a stroller. This doesn't attract the judgment. And toddlers love to have a back pack like a big kid.
@EileenKCarpenter Judgers get blown kisses and finger waves. Mother in law made comments until I threatened to put the tot in a kennel for the family Christmas pic.
Yeah, Cosmic Jr was a kid on a leash. He was fast AND sneaky. Better leashed than squished or otherwise damaged and zero way to keep him in a stroller.
No judgement here. But those are cute. 🦋
@EileenKCarpenter When the oldest was 3, I took her to the zoo and she wanted to get out of the stroller and stretch her legs. She was walking with mom and me, I looked at her, looked at Mom to answer one quick question, looked back at the empty spot where the kid had been three seconds ago, then looked for her frantically for a couple of minutes before spotting her an amazing distance away. We got a monkey backpack leash that both kids liked so much they wanted to wear it around the house.