
I love the CoSo community! I feel so clumsy & unworthy! I am trying to get up to speed quickly, just got a lot going on but I'm still here fwiw!

@Mister_Less_Mess TY It is so good to be here where I feel safe. It has been a terrifying week. I am really trying.. I know a lot of people need help everywhere I don't need much but still TY.

@zoidette your welcome. It’s a great,diverse, and supportive community here. Put your terrifying week behind you. Keep striving, things will get better.

@zoidette Welcome. If you run into a problem, ask. I know I had to.

@Lindy TY! It does take a little getting used to I must admit.

@zoidette Dont be , ive been here a while and i still trying to figure out the plan! 🤣

All in good time!

Nice to meet ya HipE !

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