Van Gogh's "Starry Night" with the first image taken from the James Webb Telescope
Welcome, New Users! Here's a copy of the User Guide (although don't hesitate to ask questions if you need help with anything).
You can create lists for #'s you're interested in, filters to weed out things you aren't. There are groups you can join.
CoSo's incredibly customizable.
And the edit button here is fully functional and free ("delete & re-draft" from the pull-down menu on the three dots to the bottom right of your posts).
A personal account is a mix of things for me. So this account is not devoted strictly to divination, pagan polytheism, and occult practices. I'll talk about those things a lot though, and would love to find people who also talk about those things a lot to follow.
Yeah, those are broad topics. I like reading about practices and views other than just my own.
First recommendation for new folk... Read. That's it just read the room. Yes RTFM and all. But more importantly read people that have been here a while. Some of us are creatives, that promote work, but do it through conversation not just self aggrandizement. Sit down and have a discussion about a subject. Don't just "banner ad" your work, but tell me why you love doing it. Yes this takes time and energy. There is NO SEO to game here.
We Be The Humans.
#cosowriting - I write short stories. They're all set in the same enchanted forest, but are not a consecutive series. Different characters (some may show up again), different focus, etc.
I've got a few more folks seeing me here today than yesterday, so...interested in practicing divination with things you find in the back of a drawer or that one piece left from an old game you lost years ago?
That's what I've been writing about lately. Not offering readings or lessons. Just writing a substack on it.
New folks. CoSo "sanitizes" All out bound links. To remove tracking information.
If you look at most URL's you might see a ? followed by a large amount of gobbledygook. That extra junk it the tracking information. It is stripped out before displaying it in your post.
Now not all URL's are standard, so that once in a while a URL will have a ? In it but no tracking information.
To post such a link. Just add;
Anywhere in the post.
Listening to Black Women: The Innovation Tech Can't Figure Out
Tech creators and journalists ignore the insights and experiences of Black women—and fail to see the harm of their "innovations."
Bard with a ukulele. Friend of Lake Monster. 93% stardust. Autistic. Fabulously weird.