Thoughts on the antitrust case?

My first reaction is that it's going to be extremely difficult to prove.

I've long been critical of Apple's walled garden and their massive markups on components like storage and RAM, but I understand their appeal and clearly so do millions of customers.

I could have bought an iPhone but I chose Android devices because that's what I prefer. Does Apple really make it that hard to move away?

@voltronic only every time I contemplate a different operating not a fan of Android devices. Not as durable, in my opinion, and there's a lot of PITA programming you have to do.

I've come close to buying them more than once, but their lack of expandable storage always disqualified them from my consideration.


@voltronic @joycereynoldsward

I must phone differently than everyone else...I have zero need for massive storage on my phone...I have a 256GB Pixel 7 Pro with 40GB used...I need to stop buying the 256GB versions...waste...

@stueytheround @voltronic @joycereynoldsward

aight...all my tunes is in da cloud...I want it accessible from more than just my yeah, I'm doin phone differently


I'm with @stueytheround on this. I don't do streaming music because I want to own, not rent, the music from artists whom I support. And I want it in full quality. I refuse to pay for lossy encoded downloads or streams unless there is no other choice.

This is why I have a 256 GB microSD card with overflow on the internal storage. At some point pretty soon I'm going to upgrade to 1 TB.


@voltronic @opie @stueytheround @joycereynoldsward My hearing is bad enough I can't tell that much difference anymore between the two. So I just listen to whatever is least expensive.

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