
I'm not even 5 minutes into Maestro and I'll say this: Bradley Cooper deserves an Oscar. They're probably going to give it to somebody else which will be a crime, but this is uncanny. He IS Lenny Bernstein!!!

If the Barbie movie wins acting awards over this, then the academy has lost what little credibility they had left.


I think the only competition Bradley Cooper has for Maestro is Cillian Murphy for Oppenheimer.

@voltronic I just watched it yesterday. Bradley Cooper deserves every accolade he gets. I read that Bernstein’s children watched it, and they said it was incredible how Cooper captured the essence of their father.

I finally watched it last weekend. Or was that this past week? Any who, Cooper was fantastic in emulating a great Lenny Bernstein! And oh did Carey Mulligan play a lovely tear jerking role as Mrs. Bernstein!

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