To help counter all the people who are going to repost hateful speech and rage bait in the next several hours, I am going to post some beautiful songs about love.

Watch this space.

Remember that the audience is an instrument at every Jacob Collier show.

Jacob Collier - Somebody To Love (Freddie Mercury, obviously)


Say Something
A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera, arranged by Pentatonix
Adapted for the Stellenbosch University Choir (South Africa) by André van der Merwe


@voltronic Beautiful adaptation. But I am more curious about the platform you shared from. Where can I read more about this, and what it is?

@voltronic How long do you think this will last until Alphabet shuts it down?

There's no reason YouTube should have a problem for it; it's just a front end for YouTube.

Excellent choice! I sang this in college and remembered enough of it to at least hum along at this year's Chrism Mass during Holy Week. Lovely piece!

Gabriel Faure's Sanctus from his Requiem Mass. (King's College recording)

Here's more of the Faure Requiem Mass. (King's College)

Pie Jesu and Agnus Dei (Faure)

Not really on the love theme, but I'll take it. This is my favorite movement of one my my favorite pieces of his.

Oh! I guess I missed that word "love" songs 🤦‍♀️

Yes with this week's happenings, love is a great theme to focus on!

@voltronic I do enjoy this one, it's so very effective a pairing of words and music.

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