Are there any great left handed conductors?

I mean that hold the baton in their left hand.

I've never seen it. Traditionally conductors are taught to keep time primarily with the right hand and the left me either mirror, do cueuing, expression, etc.

So in other words, even a left-handed conductor would use the baton in his or her right hand. I think it's mostly for ensembles to have that visual consistency.

But personally I never use one, not since conducting class as part of my bachelor's.

That's not to say only the left hand can be expressive. Lenny illustrated that quite beautifully here.


From what I have seen choral direction is mostly done with both hands, no baton.

It's kind of an individual preference. Lots of choral people use a baton, a couple of whom I work with.

For me, I find it expressively limiting. For others, it enhances precision.

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